Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Time to consign -- and bargain shop

It's that semiannual time of year when I consign the requisite 25 items so I can go to the Just 4 Kidz consignment presale. If you're like me, and prefer to get kids clothing recycled and bargain-priced, check out the web site. Consignment drop-off starts this week and the sale is March 2-13.

On a side note, my pneumonia is finally clearing up, even though I still don't have much voice. My energy is returning, and I'm discovering new ways to keep myself healthy -- everything from Chinese herbs, raw garlic, plenty of rest, a dairy-free diet temporarily, and a whole new method of breathing -- Buteyko style (I apparently managed to trigger some asthma for the first time with my little respiratory disaster.). I can say that there is nothing like a bout of pneumonia to make me cherish my normal good health.

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