Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chilly-rainy day activities

It was a frigid day for Georgia (it’s now snowing to the north of us, according to Rob's grandmother), and we began it with our heat pump out of commission, so breakfast attire looked like this.

(Late morning “the heat men,” whose very presence made man-shy Will sob in fear, band-aided things up so we could at least remove our hats while we await a part they need to replace.)

Between the cold and the rain, it was no weather for outings so we had fun indoors. We finally got around to using the new doorway puppet theater, which I’ve discovered is a wonderful way for Will to entertain Owen and me (and vice versa) as I work in the kitchen.

And a couple years after I first read this Waldorf-based book

(which suggests that until children reach grade school, painting in just three primary colors is a wonderful way to let them experiment with colors and how they blend) I finally got out some tempera paint in just red, blue and yellow for Will to play artist. (The book actually suggests that water colors are a better painting medium, but oh well…) We had, by chance, just read this book

earlier in the day – a simple tale of painting mice playing in and mixing red, yellow and blue paint. So we talked about the book as Will experimented with creating greens, purples, magentas and oranges in a mini-muffin tin. And the colors he created were richer than when he works from a full set of kids paints or water colors in 10 or 12 colors.

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