Sunday, June 22, 2008

Road trip snapshots: Part 1

We're back intact. As we played our road trip theme song (Little Country Giants' "Fields Are Burning") for the final time and pulled into our driveway last night, well past bedtime, I was already getting nostalgic about our little adventure with the boys. As we decompress, I'm going to take a few days to share snapshots from our two-week road trip to Colorado. So we'll start with the trip out:

Owen and Will befriend Evan and Eileen in the hotel where they'd been passing time until move-in date arrived for their new home in Russellville, Arkansas:

One of the more striking images in the windy hills of Kansas was this field of monstrous wind turbines, each of them swimming circles in the air like slow-and-steady-moving space-age creatures.

Portraits from a Kansas rest area (where we also chased a bunny rabbit and discovered a half-eaten Robin's egg).

Bathtime with cousin Wilson, whose parents live in one of the most enviro-/kid-friendly redevelopments in Denver. The old Stapleton airport is now a community of not-at-all-look-alike energy efficient homes with lots of greenspace and bike paths, a town center and a pool all in easy walking distance -- not to mention the most impressive playground I've ever seen (complete with mini mountains and rivers you can run around in):


shannon said...

Welcome back! I'm glad to travel vicariously, so thanks for the pictures. Will the SE ever get any redevelopments like that? Do we have any already?

Annie Addington said...

I don't know if there are any large-scale redevelopment projects on the order of Stapleton in the Southeast. But it sure would be a nice change from the usual outward sprawl.