Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolutions with the kids

This year we considered New Year’s resolutions in the airport with our kids. I wrote Will’s in the back of his Spiderman coloring book:

1. Give away a lot of pictures that I draw for people.
2. Give kisses and hugs to people.
3. Help people get better in the hospital.
4. Give away toys that I don’t want anymore.
5. Try to be friends with a lot of different people.

Owen, always, the imitator said he wanted to “be nice to people.” This is a good goal for a kid who has a current bad habit of announcing “I no like FILL-IN-THE-BLANK” within near earshot of a person when we are first entering their house. Generally after spending time with this supposedly no-good child or adult, Owen will leave announcing that he likes him or her. I also suggested that one of Owen’s resolutions for the New Year, could be to share toys with his friends and his brother. He agreed, in theory, that this was a good resolution for him.

We’ve got little proof of our resolve so far, other than starting work on Will’s resolution #4 (and Owen’s #1 and #2) two days ago as we filled a bag with toys the boys don’t need anymore to be taken, along with some clothes and canned goods, to the Damascus Way shelter for women and children.)

My main resolution is to remain eternally calm and peaceful as I interact throughout the day with my kids, my students, my husband (who often gets to bear the brunt of any lurking irritability on my part). And I think I might like to start learning Spanish too.

Who’s got a good resolution to share – yours or your kids’? Maybe we’ll add one to our lists. It never hurts to aspire.

Happy New Year!

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