Monday, September 1, 2008

Setting free the worms

This weekend we celebrated Will’s birthday with Rob’s parents and sister at Lake Rabun. Will got a fever Saturday and slept some of the day away but recovered in time for his official birthday on Sunday. A highlight of the weekend for me was some time alone “fishing” with Will on the dock while the rest of the household enjoyed a Sundya afternoon nap.

Four years to the day when we'd first beheld each other in the hospital, and here we were talking and watching the boats pass. I, at least, was happy not to catch a fish this time.

I threaded a couple worms on a hook for Will and felt the faintest pang of guilt each time since Will was only fishing for sport. After a while I suggested that we could set some of the worms free and see where they wandered. Will loved selecting the worms and then placing them in various locations -- on a bed of pine needles, at the tip of a hollow tree stump. We waited and observed as each worm wandered down and out of view. Will seemed to feel an affinity for the worms, the last of which he named “Good Wormy” before it wiggled down into the depths of his appointed tree stump.

Back at home today Will tried out his birthday bike – and a spider man suit I couldn’t help getting when I spotted it at a consignment store. Will, who has never seen a spider man cartoon or movie in his life, is nevertheless obsessed with the red and blue super hero and up until now has been wearing a red and blue baseball pajama outfit when he wants to pretend he’s Spiderman. I hated to let him trade in that imagination-building spiderman outfit but the indulgent mom in me couldn’t help but want to see his face when he opened the authentic Spiderman costume – along with a Spiderman umbrella he’s been eyeing with deep yearning at a big box store that will remain nameless.
Talk about feeding an obsession.
A couple extra shots from the lake, including the annual Labor Day photo by the grill:

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